- 女性与男性在爱情和婚姻观上的差异分析-以《远离尘嚣》为例_英语论文
Differences between Sexes in Perception of Love and Marriage: An Analysis of Relationship between Gabriel and Bathsheba in Far from the Madding Crowd_英语论文 摘要 虽然《远离尘嚣》是英国作家托马斯·哈代的第四部小说,但却是他第一部在文学上大获成功的小说。这部小说主要讲述了美丽、骄傲、充满活力的芭丝谢芭与三个追求者之间一系列坎坷而悲惨的爱情故事:勤劳能干、诚实寡言的农场主盖博瑞尔,年轻...
- 《远离尘嚣》的生态女性主义解读_英语论文.doc
《远离尘嚣》的生态女性主义解读_英语论文 An Eco-feminist Reading of Far from the Madding Crowd 摘要 托马斯·哈代(1837-1901) 是英国维多利亚时期一位著名的作家和诗人。1874年《远离尘嚣》的奠定了哈代以后文学事业发展的基础。小说主要讲述了一个女子和三个男人之间的爱情...
- 生态女性主义视角下的《远离尘嚣》_英语论文.doc
生态女性主义视角下的《远离尘嚣》_英语论文 “far from the madding crowd” From the perspective of Eco-feminism 摘要 本文将哈代的生态女性主义观和生态女性主义理论结合起来,从生态女性主义角度分析哈代的成名作《远离尘嚣》.通过分析自然与女性之间的渊源关系来阐述小说主...
- 从工业革命看《远离尘嚣》的创作背景_英语文学论文
Abstract The Industrial Revolution is an important stage in the history of human development, and it has created a huge productivity and made social outlook a world-shaking change. The industrial revolution also has profound influence on the social i...
- 《远离尘嚣》中芭丝谢芭对父权制态度的演变_英语文学论文
摘要: 托马斯哈代是英国维多利亚时期一位著名小说家,他塑造的女性形象深入人心,《远离尘嚣》是他的成名作。因此,越来越多的人研究这本小说。《远离尘嚣》描述了女主人公芭丝谢芭...
- 浅谈《远离尘嚣》中女性独立意识的体现_英语文学论文
Abstract This paper is devoted to analyzing the female independent consciousness of Bathsheba in Far from the Madding Crowd. Many characteristics of Bathsheba in character, career, love and marriage embody her feminine consciousness. Bathsheba is a r...
- 从生态批评理论角度分析《远离尘嚣》_英语文学论文
摘要 目前,在批评理论界生态观念越来越被注意和重视,人们对生态批评、生态美学、生态文学等概念的使用也越来越多。而生态批评,正是文学研究与当代生态思潮的结合,是文学研究的绿...
- 《远离尘嚣》中的女性主义分析_英语文学论文
Abstract In the era of Victorian, the industry bloomed very quickly, and technology, culture and society developed in succession. The main purpose of this thesis is to reveal the effects of feminism on the heroine of Far from the Madding Crowd . Thro...
- 从《远离尘嚣》看哈代的怀旧情结_英语文学论文
Abstract As an English novelist and poet, Hardys works belong to the Naturalist movement. Most of his fictional works were set in the semi-fictional land of Wessex and created tragic characters struggling against their passions and social circumstanc...