- 理雅各《诗经》译本与朱熹《诗集传》对比体现的性别重塑_英语论文
- 理雅各《诗经》译本与朱熹《诗集传》对比体现的性别重塑_英语论文 Legge’s Gender Reconstruction of The Classics of Songs as Manifested in His Dialogue with Zhu Xi’s Annotations 摘要 詹姆士·理雅各《诗经》译本与朱熹《诗集传》中不同的性别角色为本文研究对象。文中所选择的诗歌在今天看来应该算作情歌,而在《诗集传》中通常被称为“淫诗”。两个版本中不同的性别角色表明,尽管理雅各和朱...
- 《杀死一只知更鸟》和《诗经》中“鸟”的意象比较分析_英语论文.docx
- 意象是作者情感的载体,在不同文化背景之下,人们对意象的理解存在着某些共通之处。与此同时,在不同民族的文学作品中,因地理、传统观念、历史、气候和文化的差异,同样的意象往往有不同的象征意义。 本文以《诗经》和《杀死一只知更鸟》为研究对象,探...
- 译介学视域下的理雅各《诗经》译本中女子意象的再创造.docx
- 《诗经》收集了从西周初年至春秋中叶的诗歌,是中国古代诗歌的开端,是最早的诗歌总集。其内容丰富,涉及到劳动、爱情、战争、祭祖等各方面,是周代社会生活的一面镜子。由于其重要的历史文化地位,《诗经》自中西文化交流之始就一直备受关注,西方著名传...
- 《诗经》翻译的审美体现_翻译专业英语论文
- Abstract: The Book of Songs has a profound history in the world, which is notable by its nature of beauty. It praises the basic life of the common people, showing a vivid and beautiful picture. At the same time, from the aspect of its language, it is...
- 汉诗意象的英译——以《诗经》翻译为例_翻译专业英语论文
- 摘要 《诗经》作为中国的国粹,蕴涵着巨大的文学翻译研究价值。现阶段的英译研究在进一步发展,但是还存在问题,特别是意象的翻译,还不够深入与全面,有待进一步加强。本文首先介绍...
- 汪榕培《诗经》中的拟声词翻译研究_翻译专业英语论文
- Abstract This thesis is mainly about an onomatopoeia translation research on Wang Rongpeis The Book of Songs-Guofeng. The Book of Songs is one of the earliest anthologies of verses in China, and most of its verses deal with the conventional Chinese s...
- 《诗经》中修饰性叠词的比较研究_翻译专业英语论文
- Abstract Nidas equivalence translation theory has great influence in the field of translating both at home and abroad. The Book of Songs is the first anthology of poetry in China. More than three centuries ago, The Book of Songs had been translated i...
- 汪榕培《诗经• 风》英译的主体性研究_翻译专业英语论文
- Abstract This thesis aims at studying translation from the theoretical perspective, based on the study of translators subjectivity of Wang Rongpei manifested in his version of the Book of Poetry, for the purpose of figuring out his translation strate...