- 社会符号学与广告话语分析——以肯德基广告为例_商务英语论文
Abstract This thesis will take Zhang Delus appliable social semiotics as a theoretical basis with six features to study the advertising discourse. Moreover, this thesis will make some concrete studies on KFC advertisements with the purpose to further...
- 肯德基在中国的本土化战略_商务英语论文
Abstract Localization refers to corporate efforts to adapt to a specific international market, for example in terms of staffing, production, marketing and RD. Its considered as an intrinsic part of the economic globalization process. The essence of l...
- 肯德基的本土化策略的实施研究_商务英语论文
Abstract With the global economic integration, multinational corporations have become an important part of the global economy. In order to expand foreign markets and survive in the fierce international competition, multinational companies seek to pro...
- 从肯德基和乡村基看中美文化对企业管理的影响_商务英语论文
摘要 随着全球经济的飞速发展, 跨文化管理已成为国际企业跨国经营的必修课。国际商务活动和跨国经营范围的扩大, 要求国际企业必须面对多元文化模式的挑战。重视文化在国际企业管理中的...