- 中英食品广告的语用模糊顺应性研究_英语论文
A Study of Pragmatic Vagueness in Chinese and English Food Advertisements from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory_英语论文 摘要 模糊性是语言的自然属性,广告语作为一种特殊的语言也存在着模糊性。近年来,随着食品广告的日益增多,其语用模糊现象也频繁出现,模糊语言凭借其灵活性和不确定性,使语言表达更加得体,有效地促进了消费。食品广告中的语用模糊大都遵循了顺应性原则。顺应论是由...
- 英语外交辞令中的语用模糊研究_商务英语论文
Abstract Vague language exists in our language communication widely and makes our language expression implicit and decent. Diplomatic language is regarded as a kind of particular language, extremely focusing on strategies of language expression. It r...
- 家庭日常言语交际中的语用模糊分析_商务英语论文
Abstract Pragmatic ambivalence penetrates every corner of family daily communications and it has been one of the important communication strategies of family members. Pragmatic ambivalence helps family members express their communicative intentions m...
- 英语新闻报道中的语用模糊研究_商务英语论文
Abstract Vagueness, the intrinsic attribute of news language, plays an vital role in news reporting. This paper ventures to analyze pragmatic vagueness that occurs within English news reporting. The author mainly adopts Grices cooperative principle t...
- 语用学视角下的商务英语语用模糊研究_商务英语论文
Abstract Both vagueness and accuracy are inescapable attributes of human language. Business language as a language for special purpose, its objectiveness requests the expression of the language to be strict and accurate, but the pragmatic strategy of...