- 会话含义理论在英语广告中的应用_商务英语论文
Abstract In modern society, advertising has been an indispensable part in peoples daily life. Advertising is of high business value with words, grammatical, and rhetorical features. The unique character of advertising attracts a number of language sc...
- 从会话含义理论和合作原则分析《窈窕淑女》中的对白_英语文学论文
Abstract The theory of conversational implicature was first proposed by Herbert Paul Grice in 1967. Grice holds the view that in order to ensure the rational communication, the participants usually follow the basic principle which he called cooperati...
- 从行事行为理论和会话含义理论角度分析英语幽默语言_商务英语论文
Abstract Humour plays an important role in our daily communication as it is a unique form of intercourse. It is a representation of human wisdom which can create a favorable communicative atmosphere, relieve tense situation, delight interpersonal int...
- 会话含义理论框架下小说对话的语用解读——以《傲慢与偏见》为例_英语文学
Abstract This thesis is an analysis of the conversational implicature in Pride and Prejudice from the perspectives of the Cooperative Principle (CP) and its four maxims. Firstly, applying pragmatic theories in the analyses of literary works is made p...
- 基于会话含义理论试析电影《飘》中郝思嘉的性格特征_商务英语论文
摘要 文学和语用学似乎是两个迥然不同的学科。然而,由于文学能将语言的魅力发挥到最大,越来越多的学者意识到文学和语用学二者之间密不可分的关系。电影《飘》曾在1939年获得8项奥斯...