- 美国俚语的修辞特征分析_英语论文
An Analysis on Rhetorical Characteristics of American Slang_英语论文 摘要 美国俚语做为一种特殊的语言形式,具有鲜明的特点和悠久的历史,它被广泛应用于美国的日常交际中,随着美国英语和美国电影和电视剧的日益普及,也受到人们的更多关注。美国俚语广泛运用隐喻、夸张、委婉语等各种幽默有趣的修辞手法来达到其生动诙谐逼真的表达效果。本文首先概述了美国俚语的定义和历史演...
- 浅析英语广告中的修辞特征_商务英语论文
Abstract With the rapid development of global economic integration and cross-cultural communication, more and more of us are exposed to various kinds of English advertisements in daily life. Advertisements, a traditional propaganda technique, are inc...
- 从肯尼思•伯克的认同理论对奥巴马演讲中的修辞特征分析_商务英语论文
Abstract Kenneth Burke is the greatest American rhetorician in the twentieth century, and his influence on contemporary rhetoric is unparalleled. Using a large amount of rhetoric is one of the main stylistic features in English speech. Numerous famou...