- 林语堂《小评论》的自译研究_英语论文
林语堂《小评论》的自译研究_英语论文 Breaking the Translator’s Silence——A Study on Lin’s Self Translation of The Little Critic 摘要 自译活动由来已久。上世纪初中国文学界掀起自译浪潮,以林语堂,张爱玲,卞之琳、萧乾为代表的当代作家,开始自译自己的原创作品,积累了大量的自译实践经验。尽管如此,对自译的学术研究并没有受到译学界的广泛关注。互联网时代的到来,激励越来越...
- 从林语堂的文化身份看《浮生六记》的翻译_英语论文
从林语堂的文化身份看《浮生六记》的翻译_英语论文 Cultural Hybridity: A Study of the Translation of Six Chapters of a Floating Life from the Perspective of Lin Yutang’s Cultural Identity 摘要 译者的文化身份决定其文化立场,而文化立场的确立无疑影响着译者的翻译观,进而影响其翻译的策略。本文欲就从林语堂先生的文化身份视角出发,对其所译的《浮生六记》进行文化解读,分析其中异化与归化手法...
- 赛珍珠与林语堂笔下的中国女性的对比分析-以《东风·西风》与《京华烟云》为
赛珍珠与林语堂笔下的中国女性的对比分析-以《东风·西风》与《京华烟云》为例_英语论文 The Analysis of Chinese Women in Pearl S. Buck’s East Wind: West Wind and in Lin Yutang’ s Moment in Peking 摘要 赛珍珠与林语堂是同一时期的著名作家,而且曾结下了深厚的友谊。赛珍珠在《东风...
- 从苏姗巴斯奈特的文化翻译观看林语堂《生活的艺术》中的文化信息翻译_英语
从苏姗巴斯奈特的文化翻译观看林语堂《生活的艺术》中的文化信息翻译 The Translation of Cultural Information in Lin Yutangs the Importance of Living in the Perspective of Susan Bassnetts Cultural Translation Theory 摘要 语言是文化的载体,而翻译,作为不同语言之间的桥梁,更紧密联系了两种文...
- 林语堂《吾国吾民》中的中国形象重塑_英语文学论文
Abstract My Country and My People is a world-famous English work, written by Lin Yutang in 1936. It introduces the character of the Chinese people, the minds of the Chinese people, the political, social and literary life in China and so on. It was re...
- 浅析林语堂的翻译思想_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract Lin Yutang is rather famous around the world as a translator with his numerous great translation works. However, he was not researched a lot in terms of his translation thought owing to some historical reasons. Moreover, compared to Lin Yuta...
- 从形合意合角度浅析《桃花源记》两英译本_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract Linguistically, the distinct difference between Chinese and English is that the former one is hypotaxis while the latter, parataxis. taohuayuanji is worth considering as one of the most beautiful flowers in the garden of classic literature....
- 从目的论角度看《论语》两大译本——林语堂编译本和阿瑟•威利译本_翻译专
Abstract Functionalist skopos theory is the latest achievement in the field of translation. Skopos theory breaks through the confinement of the traditional translation theories by providing the translator more strategies to choose from. Critics give...
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