- 论配音翻译团队的翻译目的-以电影《了不起的盖茨比》为例_英语论文
Translation Skopos in Cooperative Dubbing Translation: A Case Study of the Film The Great Gatsby_英语论文 摘要 电影配音翻译是一种团队合作,需要导演、译员与配音演员的沟通协调。然而现有的关于电影配音翻译的文献却普遍忽视了这一点。本论文旨在通过分析《了不起的盖茨比》原著、译本、电影以及电影译者陆瑶蓉提供的一手资料,借鉴翻译目的论,展示电影配音翻译过程中译者与导演的翻译目...
- 目的论与电影配音翻译—电影《加勒比海盗Ⅰ》个案分析_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract Film is one of the major entertainments of the people today. Dubbing and subtitling are two best-known and most widespread forms of audiovisual translation in China. People choose the one that they suit best on the basis of their own needs....