- 中美家庭价值观差异-从《成长的烦恼》与《家有儿女》为例_英语论文
An Analysis of the Differences Between Chinese and American Family Values by Comparing Growing Pains and Home With Kids_英语论文 摘要 家庭是人类社会最基本的组成单位之一,家庭价值观直接影响其成员在社会中的言语和行为。中美两国受不同历史文化背景,经济模式和宗教信仰等因素影响,在家庭价值观上表现出很多差异。通过对比分析《家有儿女》和《成长的烦恼》这两部中美家庭情景剧,并结合剧中...
- 英语语调重音功能的研究——以《成长的烦恼》为例_商务英语论文
Abstract: English is a tone language, its tone pattern is part of sentence structure. In English, intonation has extraordinary significance to transfer information. The importance has attracted widespread attention at home and abroad. The tone has di...
- 从《成长的烦恼》看中美家庭教育模式的差异_英语教学论文
Abstract Without any doubt, parents are the first teachers for their children in a life time. Parents teach their children to walk when they can toddle; teach them to use knives and chopsticks when they can eat food by themselves; teach them to butto...
- 会话分析揭示《成长的烦恼》中美国人的育儿观_商务英语论文
摘要 美国家庭情景喜剧《成长的烦恼》讲述了父母与孩子之间的许多故事, 其中大多情节是有关于父母如何教导孩子做人做事的。本文运用会话分析法中的话轮转换体系深入分析了《成长的烦...
- 从《成长的烦恼》看美国家庭教育_英语教学论文
Abstract Growing Pains shows the typical American family structure and reflects American family educations characteristics briefly and entirely. Based on an introduction to the background of American family education and the characteristics of Growin...