- 菲利普•弗伦诺及其诗歌的分析_英语文学论文
Abstract: Poetry is the crystallization of language and it is a most ancient form of literature. People always use it to convey their internal feelings. So the emotion of poetry comes from a poets real feelings for outward things. Thus poetry is a co...
- 泰戈尔诗歌中的色彩心理学_商务英语论文
摘 要 当今社会,心理学显示了它越来越广泛的作用。而色彩心理学则是把色彩学和心理学相结合的一个分支领域。虽还有待发展,但已经被大量地运用到实际生活中。而用色彩心理学来分析文...
- 从威廉·华兹华斯诗歌分析其人生观及自然观_英语文学论文
摘要 威廉.华兹华斯是英国浪漫主义诗歌的奠基人之一,同时与柯勒律治、骚塞被誉为湖畔派诗人。他长期居住在位于英格兰北部的湖区,过着田园生活,在优美的大自然中,他的性情得到了很...
- 论艾米莉•狄金森诗歌中的死亡观_英语文学论文
摘要 艾米莉狄金森(Emily Dickinson, 1830-1886)是美国19世纪一朵瑰丽的奇葩,英美现代派诗歌的先驱。虽然她在世时不为人知,只匿名发表过7篇文章,但是现在她被认为是美国文学史上最伟大的...
- 比较沃尔特•惠特曼和艾米莉•狄金森的诗歌中的现代性_英语文学论文
Abstract Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson are two American poets of the 19th century. America experienced profound changes during the mid 1800's. New technologies and ideas helped the nation grow, while the Civil War ripped the nation apart. In the f...
- 约翰•济慈的诗歌中浪漫主义和现实主义的结合_英语文学论文
Abstract John Keats was one of the brilliant English poets in 19th century. Together with Percy Bysshe Shelley and George Gordon Byron,he was one of the most brilliant poets of Romanticism. His poetry was famous for its rich imagination, exaggerate...
- 沃尔特·惠特曼及其诗歌研究_英语文学论文
Abstract Walt Whitman was a great American poet in 19th century. Due to his family background, he took a variety of jobs at early years for making money to help family. Therefore he had so much experience with the people he saw ,the surroundings he f...
- 威廉•柯伦•布莱恩特及其诗歌分析_英语文学论文
Abstract: Poetry is one of the most ancient literary forms in the world, and belongs to one of the literary genres by conveying their internal feelings. Poetry is characterized by refined languages and the perfect artistic skills to depict the poets...
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