- 英语商务函电的文体特征探究_英语论文.doc
英语商务函电的文体特征探究_英语论文 A Study of Stylistic Features of English Business Correspondence 摘要 随着中国外贸的繁荣发展以及国际经济活动的不断扩大,中国已成为主导国际发展的经济体之一。与此同时,在中国, 商业交流日渐普遍,商务英语函电已成为中国同国外贸...
- 英语服装广告的文体特征研究_英语论文.doc
英语服装广告的文体特征研究_英语论文 On Stylistic Features of English Clothing Advertisement 摘要 服装从古至今在人们的生活中都是必不可少的。在服装发展的历史长河中,服装广告发挥了及其重要的作用。服装广告作为提高品牌知名度,打开产品销路的有力武器,毫无疑问的...
- 商务英语信函的文体特征及其翻译策略_英语论文.doc
商务英语信函的文体特征及其翻译策略_英语论文 The Stylistic Features and Translation Strategies of English Business Letters 摘要 随着世界经济的迅速发展,对外贸易变得越来越频繁。商务英语信函作为商务活动的主要通信工具和贸易争端中的书面证据,发挥着重要作用。因此,商务...
- 英文招聘广告的文体特征分析_英语论文.docx
英文招聘广告的文体特征分析_英语论文 An Analysis of the Stylistic Features of English Recruitment Advertisements 摘要 随着世界经济的迅速发展,英语招聘广告的应用已经十分的广泛,它在有限的篇幅内传递就业信息,吸引适合职位条件的应聘者。国内许多学者主要对英文招聘广告...
- 美国总统就职演说的语言特色分析_商务英语论文
Abstract Every four years, American presidential inaugural addresses are the focus of the world. As an important cultural phenomenon in USA, delivering a presidential inaugural address has always a formal and regular way for a president to begin his...
- 论关于自然灾害的英语新闻报道的文体特征_商务英语论文
Abstract: Today, we live in a peacefully developing world, but the occurrences of natural disasters are still unavoidable. And thus the news reports on these disasters are frequently found in various newspapers. With the advancement of modern media i...
- 浅析汽车广告标语的文体特征及其翻译策略_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: With peoples material and cultural demand rapidly increasing during the last several decades, the car has become one of the necessities for most families. In order to attract consumers, the suppliers of cars have come up with a variety of c...
- 浅析药品说明书的文体特征_商务英语论文
Abstract: With the development of science and technology and Chinas entry into WTO, trade exchange between China and foreign countries has been increasing, and medicine exchange between China and other countries is no exception. Medicine is closely r...
- 外贸英语函电的文体特征和翻译技巧_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: Business English correspondence is a carrier in foreign trade, which is associated closely with the international trade expertise. It has diverse forms , and is a tool of communication with distinctive cultural differences and legal charact...
- 英语政治演说的文体特征_商务英语论文
摘要 本文主要研究英语政治演说的文体特征。首先介绍文体学,政治演讲以及公众演讲的一些相关术语,然后从词汇、句法、语篇和修辞四个层面探讨了英语政治演讲的文体特征。最后在此基础...
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