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  • 以《斯隆女士》为基础的美国游说政治研究_开题报告
  • Studies in the Politics of Lobbying in the United States Based on Miss Sloane 1、课题的目的及意义(含国内外的研究现状分析或设计方案比较、选型分析等) 美国学术界对游说的理论研究可谓是非常丰富。由于游说活动同美国政治有着密不可分的关系,几乎只要是以美国政治为主题的...
  • 英国绅士文化与美国牛仔文化的比较分析_商务英语论文
  • Abstract The British culture and American culture are the typical representatives and two pillars of Western culture, which have long history and possess their own unique characteristics. Culturally, every country has its typical cultural image and b...
  • 美国慈善文化_商务英语论文
  • Abstract In September 2009, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett came to China to persuade millionaires in China to donate half of their wealth to philanthropy career. Media in China focused on this special banquet and stimulated a large scale of report on...
  • 试析美国同性恋文化_商务英语论文
  • 摘要: 同性恋,本是一种为传统社会所不齿的文化现象,但伴随着西方国家工业化和城市化的实现,迅速蔓延开来。美国社会对待同性恋亚文化,经历了从迫害、漠视到宽容的漫长过程。本文...
  • 美国离婚研究_商务英语论文
  • Abstract Marriage is the inevitable outcome of love. Americans, advocating the individual happiness and endless freedom, often choose to divorce when they find the marriage unsatisfactory. The rate is as high as 50 percent, ranking first place all ov...