- 从实用主义角度解析《嘉莉妹妹》_英语论文.doc
- 从实用主义角度解析《嘉莉妹妹》 An Analysis of Sister Carrie From the Angle of Pragmatism 摘要 西奥多·德莱塞的第一部小说《嘉莉妹妹》讲述了主人公——嘉洛林·米贝历经坎坷磨难实现了她的美国梦的故事。自小说问世以来,文学界对其评价褒贬不一。有人认为让嘉莉这样的...
- 走出迷茫,寻回丢失的信念——富兰克林给毕业者的13条忠告_商务英语论文
- Abstract Benjamin Franklin is a well-known thinker, a statesman, a diplomat, a scientist, and an industrialist, who goes down in history not only as the founder of the United States, but also as a man of glorious humanity. Autobiography is a fantasti...
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