- 《儒林外史》中文化词的翻译研究_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: As a famous Chinese novel by Wu Jingzi in Qing Dynasty, Ru Lin Wai Shi represents the peak of ancient Chinese satire literature, embedded with profound Chinese culture. However, such colorful cultural terms as place names, personal names, c...
- 汉语新闻英译中文化词的翻译_翻译专业英语论文
摘要: 以胡庚申的译论翻译适应选择论为依据, 本文认为汉语新闻英译中中文化词的翻译过程是译者对于翻译生态环境的多维度适应和选择。并指出译者在汉语新闻英译中文化词的翻译过程中...
- 从经济力角度看汉译英过程中汉语文化词的英译_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: In the late of 1970s, China faced a new fate and came to a crossroad in this nations development history after a ten-year upheaval. The second generation of Chinas leaders led by Deng Xiaoping made the great decision--- the introduction of...