- 逃离——解读爱丽丝•门罗作品中的生态女性主义_英语文学论文
摘要: 爱丽丝门罗是2013年诺贝尔文学奖得主,同时也是加拿大短篇小说女王,其中《逃离》作为其代表作,影响巨大。 本文尝试从生态女性主义视角出发分析《逃离》中隐含的人物逃离女性...
- 爱丽丝•门罗的小说集《逃离》中女性意识的觉醒与成长_英语文学论文
摘要: 加拿大著名当代短篇小说家爱丽丝门罗被誉为世界上最有影响力的小说家之一。美国犹太作家辛西娅奥齐克甚至将芒罗称为当代契诃夫,很多欧美媒体的评论都毫不吝啬地给了她当代最...
- 试析爱丽丝•门罗的爱情观--以《到达日本》和《亚蒙森》为例_英语文学论
Abstract: To Reach Japan and Amundsen all belong to Alice Munros latest collection of short stories, Dear Life. This paper has a brief introduction of Alice Munro and her achievements. Meanwhile, it offers a description of To Reach Japan and Amundsen...
- 试析爱丽丝•门罗短篇小说《熊从山那边来》的叙事结构与叙述视角_英语文学
Abstract: The narrative structure and the narrative perspective in Alice Munros short story The Bear Came Over the Mountain are unique and novel. In the story, the original linear structure has been changed. Munro combines the memory narrative struct...
- 解读爱丽丝•门罗短篇小说《荨麻》双重主题下的女权主义思想_英语文学论文
Abstract: Nettles is one of short stories in Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage(2001) which was written by Alice Munro. The author uses Nettles as the title of the story. As implied by the narrator of this story, life is like the net...