- 从小说到电影改编的创造性背叛的研究—— 以《冷山》和《红字》为例_英语文
- Abstract In recent years, with the development and popularity of movie art, more and more literary works are adapted to movies. It is commonly admitted that literature is the carrier of elite culture, while the movie is the carrier of mass culture. A...
- 从生态女性主义解读《冷山》_英语文学论文
- 摘要 查尔斯弗雷泽是美国一名新近崛起的作者。《冷山》是他的处女作,并且以此荣获了1997年美国国家图书奖。在这部小说中,作者深刻地描述了人与自然和土地的关系,以及人与人之间的关...
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