- 会展英语语体特点及翻译技巧_英语论文.doc
- 会展英语语体特点及翻译技巧 On Stylistic Features and Translation Skills of Exhibition English 摘要 近年来,会展业已经成为国际经济的一个重要部分。会展是一个展示成就,寻求商机与合作机会,文化交流的平台。会展英语作为一种交流工具,在其中起着桥梁的作用,所以掌握会...
- 商务英语函电的语体特点及其翻译_翻译专业英语论文
- Abstract Along with the development of market economy and chinas entry WTO, Chinese companies have more communication with other countries in commercial fields. Business English correspondence, as a tool of communication, plays a very important role...
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