- 主流与边缘之间-论《老友记》中菲比的怪诞形象_英语论文.doc
- 主流与边缘之间-论《老友记》中菲比的怪诞形象_英语论文 Between Mainstream Culture and Marginal Culture:the Grotesque of Phoebe in Friends 摘要 《老友记》作为至今最为成功的美剧之一,受到了国内外广大人们的喜爱,尤其是其中六个各具性格特色的主人公给人们留下来深刻的印象...
- 边缘文化的呐喊—田纳西和白先勇笔下同性恋身份构建的比较分析_英语文学论
- Abstract As one of the greatest playwrights in the 20th century, Tennessee contributes a lot to homosexual literature. Recently, most of the researches focus on women and homosexual characters in his writings, especially in A Streetcar Named Desire,...
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