- 论庞德和李商隐诗歌意象的诗学共识_英语论文.doc
- 论庞德和李商隐诗歌意象的诗学共识 Poetic Consensus of Ezra Pound and Li Shangyin in Images 摘要 埃兹拉·庞德(Ezra Pound,1885-1972)是20世纪英美文坛举足轻重的人物之一,他所倡导的意象派诗歌运动开启了英美现代诗歌之先河。与此同时,正是由于翻译家的另一重身份,庞德将中国...
- 生态翻译学视角下李商隐无题诗英译研究_翻译专业英语论文
- ABSTRACT Untitled poem was a unique creation of Li Shangyin. Because of his unsmooth life and unfortunate encounter, his analysis and excavation on the inner-heart of aesthetic object, and his emotional experience about depression and sentimentality,...
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