- 社会符号学角度下的商标翻译分析_英语论文
摘要 随着改革开放政策的不断深化,众多国际品牌涌入中国,使得中国成为最具前景的市场。而商标名作为商品给人的第一印象,直接影响着商品的销量和利润。因此,商标名称的翻译引起了大量企业和学者们的重视。显然,对商标的翻译研究十分具有应用价值。本文基于社会符号学角度,结合前人的研究成果,分析商标的主要成分和特征,尝试解决目前商标汉译过程中出现的问题,指出社...
- 从社会符号学角度解读FAMILY公益广告_商务英语论文
Abstract Advertisement is equipped not only with the persuasion function but also with the social interaction function as a prevailing and efficient kind of medium. This thesis discusses the FAMILY public service advertisement from the perspective of...
- 多模态话语的社会符号学分析——以iPhone5S广告为例_商务英语论文
Abstract As the rapid development of commercial ads, we can experience a variety of brands on all kinds of media channels. Since 1960s, ads analysis has been a hot topic. Multimodal discourse analysis has been introduced to China for decades and dome...
- 社会符号学与广告话语分析——以肯德基广告为例_商务英语论文
Abstract This thesis will take Zhang Delus appliable social semiotics as a theoretical basis with six features to study the advertising discourse. Moreover, this thesis will make some concrete studies on KFC advertisements with the purpose to further...