- 语言磨蚀理论视角下英语教学策略研究_英语论文.doc
语言磨蚀理论视角下英语教学策略研究_英语论文 A Tentative Study on English Language Teaching Strategies in China from the Perspective of Language Attrition 摘要 本文从中国实际教学中存在的问题出发,结合语言磨蚀现象,探索有效的英语教学策略来解决现存的教学问题。一直以来,语言学...
- 初中英语教师任务型教学策略应用现状研究_英语论文.doc
中英语教师任务型教学策略应用现状研究_英语论文 On the Characteristics of EFL Teachers’ Application of TBLT in Teaching 摘要 早从20世纪起,外语教学中对教学方法的研究快速发展,任务型教学(Task-based Language Teaching)于20世纪80年代被提出并迅速兴起。任务型教学模式是一种“从...
- 新课改下师生关系及教学策略的探讨_英语教学论文
Abstract The New Curriculum Reform is a reform towards high school courses to make these lessons meet the changed requirements of talents in 21th century. In students school years, different teacher-student relationship will cultivate them to become...
- 基于建构主义理论的高中英语阅读教学_英语教学论文
Abstract Constructivism theory holds that learning is a process in which the learners construct meaning actively. Constructivism emphasizes the cognitive subject role of the learners as well as the guidance role of the teachers. This paper expounds t...
- 基于人本主义理论的和谐课堂的构建_英语教学论文
Abstract A harmonious classroom is not only the basis to arouse the life vitality of students, but also the fertile soil to develop creative talents. This paper stands on the theory of humanism and talks about the relationship between language classr...
- 论年长者英语学习的特点及有效教学策略_英语教学论文
摘 要 当人类步入21世纪时,世界60岁以上人口总数已达到6.06亿,占总人口比例的10%,平均每10个人中就有一位老人,人类历史已经进入老龄社会的新时代。而世界上的人口大国之一的中国是世...