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摘 要


关键词: 儿子与情人;母亲影响;童年
Lawrence, as one of the most famous novelistic in England during the 20th, also as a poet, proser and a prolific journalist made a great contribution to the literary career. Many of his novels like Sons and Lovers, the Rainbow, Women in Love are all famous all over the world. People gave high evaluation to his works. Sons and Lovers, enjoyed the name of full of spirit of innovation. It has the great research value and various of research subjects. In Sons and Lovers, the relationship between Paul and his mother Mrs. Morel is so called Oedipus Complex. The mother Mrs. Morel played a very important role in Paul's life. She led the failure of the two relationship of Paul and his girlfriends. The mother always had a great impact on Paul until she died. But this is worth to let us think about. This issue mainly talked about the influence of mother to the kids according to the novel Sons and Lovers.

Key words: Sons and Lovers; mother impact; childhood

1 Introduction
   David Herbert Lawrence was born in a miner's family in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire on Sept 11th, 1885. He was a remarkable English writer. He contributed in many fields including novel, poem, drama, prose, travel notes and so on. He was considered as one of the most important writers in the 20th century. On the other hand, people have many controversies about him. His father was a miner. His rude made Lawrence stay away from him and preferred to spend more time with his mother. Lawrence' s works were all around one theme, the human relationship, between woman and man in particularly. His novels were really full of ideas.

相关文章推荐: TAG: 从儿子与情人 童年