文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:花千骨 上传时间:2017-11-27
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O. Henry is a master of short stories in the world. Vivid characters, humorous language and surprise endings all these features that make up what is called O. Henry’s technique. He always creates his works which reflects the criticism of American society with humorous words from a realistic perspective.
After introducing American realism and summarizing O. Henry’s writing features, this paper analyzes the main characters, twist ending and humorous words with “The Man Higher Up” as a sample according to the social environment of America which O. Henry lived in and his life experience. This thesis is aimed to find out the manifestation mode of the realism in this story and reveal social reality of America in 20th century. The ultimate purpose is to help deepen readers’ understanding of O. Henry’s works.

Key Words:  O. Henry  Realism  “The Man Higher Up” 

摘 要


关键词: 欧•亨利  现实主义 《黄雀在后》

1 Introduction
O. Henry was a famous short story writer in America. His works reveal and criticize the social issues of America. O. Henry’s magic is writing stories from the talk of the person who experiences the whole thing so that you can feel as if you are in the story and using specific language that fraudsters use. “The Man Higher Up” shows us the dark side of the true world and also shows “the lie” in a humorous way.
1.1 Background Information of American Realism
From the end of the American Civil War to the beginning of the First World War, the United States finished the transformation from an agricultural society to an industrial society. With this shift American society and economy also changed sharply. However, industrialization brought both advantages and disadvantages.

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