文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:Slagmale 上传时间:2017-11-27
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Arthur Miller is considered one of the most distinguished contemporary American playwrights. His dramas explore the themes of the responsibilities of individuals and society, familial relationships, and moral obligations. Among all his works, Death of a Salesman is his masterpiece. It brought Miller the Pulitzer Prize, the Tony Award, as well as the New York Drama Critics Circle Award. It ran for 742 performances, and was ranked as one of the most frequently performed dramas in Broadway, which established 33-year-old Arthur Miller as a master of the American dramatic circle. Death of a Salesman describes the tragic fate of Willy Loman, and various conflicts between all his family members. Some critics claim that the play is an attack upon the “American dream”, and that Willy is a victim of the brutal economic system or Willy’s tragedy comes from his unceasing pursuit of the “American dream”. However, by further studying the play, the writer draws the conclusion that Willy’s dream is not the “American dream”, and he is not so much a victim of the social oppression, as he is the victim of his own weak personalities. There’re four parts in this essay: the first part introduces the play and the playwright; the second part presents Willy’s tragic character; the third part explores the causes of Willy’s tragedy; the fourth part presents the contrast between Loman and traditional tragic heroes.

Keywords: Death of a Salesman; tragedy; tragic character

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 A Brief Introduction to Arthur Miller
Arthur Miller was one of America's most distinguished men of letters. He was born in October of 1915 in New York City. His plays continued the realistic tradition that began in the United States in the period between the two World Wars. Miller's plays often depict how families are destroyed by false values. Death of a Salesman brings Miller international fame, and becomes one of the major achievements of modern American theatre.

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