文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:长乐 上传时间:2017-11-27
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Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most controversial figures in the history of American literature. For a long time after his death as well as his lifetime, Poe didn’t get the recognition he deserved. From the 20th century, Poe’s talents in literary creation has been discovered and appreciated, and Poe’s status of literature in the world has risen. More and more scholars have studied Poe and his works, which sets off a wave of studying Allan Poe in the world. Allan Poe created about seventy short novels during his life, and among those novels, Poe often has females as his protagonist, and they are often linked with death. That forms Poe’s own unique writing style. Among those novels which the protagonist is a female, The Oval Portrait is always ignored because among Poe’s works, it is not prominent. But it shows Poe’s concepts as well, and it gives readers an impressive image of a female, so it is valuable for scholars to spend time studying this novel. This paper is t o analyze the image of female -- who has unusual beauty in looks, spirits and intelligence, but is extremely weak and cannot resist the dominance from the patriarchy, and represents the women with low status in the 19th century -- from the following aspects: Poe’s concept of composing a short novel and a female, the narrative structure, the special perspective of narration and language.

Key words: female image, death, structure, perspective of narration, language

摘 要



1. Introduction
Edgar Allan Poe was a great American author, poet, editor and literary critic in 19th century, his works considered as an important part of the Romantic Movement in the American literary history. Poe is considered as the inventor of the detective-fiction genre as well because he has created a lot of famous detective stories. He is also credited as a pioneer of symbolism. He contributed a lot to the creation of science fiction and horror fiction as well. Poe is a talent, but all his life is tragic. In 1849, at his age of 40, Poe died in Baltimore, and the cause of his death is still unknown. After Poe died, his reputation began to spread far and wide. Poe and his works influenced literature in the United States and around the world, and appear in popular culture of literature, music, films, and television.

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