• [语言文学]《觉醒》中女性主义的苏醒和抗争_英语文学论文

    Abstract The American female regional novel writer-Kate Chopin in her work The Awakening depicts the plight of women in the nineteenth century, who were in a dilemma between fulfilling their traditional role and searching for a new social order. De...

    文章由美好的未来上传 文章字数:5532 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]浅析《榆树下的欲望》中的恋母情结_英语文学论文

    Abstract Desire Under the Elms, is one of famous works of American playwright Eugene O'Neill (1888---1953), written in the style of Greek tragedy in 1924. When the drama was ended, it has aroused a great number of focus and comments from all aspects...

    文章由剑断青丝i上传 文章字数:5299 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]陶渊明与华兹华斯的自然观比较_英语文学论文

    Abstract Many researches have been made on Tao Yuanming and Wordsworth in various aspects, such as style of poetizing, philosophy of living, view of nature and so on. Tao Yuanming represents the summit of idyll during Jin and Song dynasty in China. H...

    文章由自然萌Aimee上传 文章字数:4596 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]英语褒扬语在文学作品和社会用语中的对比_英语文学论文

    Abstract Like painting, music and movie, language is also regarded as one kind of art, which is playing an indispensable role in peoples daily life when they express their thoughts and emotion. An appropriate expression is always pleasant while an in...

    文章由丶潶眼圈上传 文章字数:6765 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]《黑暗之心》中后殖民主义分析_英语文学论文

    Abstract Heart of Darkness,written by the renowned British novelist Joseph Conrad,is a world famous novella.Since its publication,it has been regarded as a significant text in British literature because of its Modernistic features, innovative...

    文章由goddess上传 文章字数:4844 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]《榆树下的欲望》悲剧成因_英语文学论文

    Abstract Eugene O'Neill, the father of American drama, who was good at writing tragedy in his works and his works were closely related to his personal experience. Desire Under the Elms is one of the representative works in his second writing period....

    文章由Isidore上传 文章字数:5587 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]从女性主义角度分析《飘》中的爱情观_英语文学论文

    Abstract As a literary giant of the modern world, American writer Margaret Mitchell became a shining star in the history of American literature by her unique novel Gone with the Wind. As the first novel to describe females from the perspective of fem...

    文章由撑一把青伞上传 文章字数:3944 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]再论海明威作品中的硬汉形象_英语文学论文

    Abstract Ernest Miller Hemingway is one of the most gifted and most frequently criticized writers in modern literature. He enjoyed a high critical reputation both at home and abroad with its code hero image of surf in the literary world. Hemingway's...

    文章由Doraemon.上传 文章字数:5122 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]《红字》中主要人物的矛盾性解析——霍桑思想矛盾性的体现_英语文学论文

    Abstract Nathaniel Hawthorne (18041864) is one of the most outstanding American Romanticists in the 19th century. As one of the founders of American literature, he creates various excellent works. The Scarlet Letter has attained much attention in Ame...

    文章由MYTYPE上传 文章字数:4965 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]《麦田里的守望者》中色彩的象征意义_英语文学论文

    Abstract Symbolism is an important writing technique which is commonly used in literary works to express the inner world of the characters and the theme of the novel. Color words are important and essential symbolic words to express the diverse symbo...

    文章由Fossette上传 文章字数:5210 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]论《了不起的盖茨比》中女性角色的悲剧性_英语文学论文

    Abstract The Great Gatsby is one of the greatest novels in 1920s and it is also the most influential masterpiece of Fitzgerald. The story took place after the World War, the era which the United States entered a brief period of prosperity. The accumu...

    文章由美好的未来上传 文章字数:5837 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]论《芒果街上的小屋》中奇卡纳自我身份的追寻_英语文学论文

    Abstract The House on Mango Street is Chicana writer Sandra Cisneross master work. This famous female initiation story describes Chicanas double marginalized position and shows Chicanas struggle with self-identity in an alienating and hostile America...

    文章由海于咸上传 文章字数:5757 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]《傲慢与偏见》中婚姻议题上体现的理性与感性_英语文学论文

    Abstract Jane Austen, one of the most well-known realistic novelists in the 19th century in English literature, describes in her masterpieces Pride and Prejudice love and marriage and vividly reflects the town life in Britain at the end of the eighte...

    文章由Lifeline上传 文章字数:4689 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]反讽的多维阐释——《名利场》中蓓基和艾米利亚的宿命分析_英语文学论文

    Abstract Irony, as a ubiquitous linguistic phenomenon in daily verbal communication, is used widely in contemporary popular television shows, the network writing, and literature works. The study of irony has a long history and it is prevalent in mode...

    文章由sincere上传 文章字数:5395 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]黑暗中的守望:论狄更斯笔下孤儿的道德成长问题_英语文学论文

    Abstract Being widely known as an outstanding novelist of the Victorian age and an important role in the world literature, Charles Dickens is distinctive among canonical English language masters in popular culture, leaving us not only many masterpiec...

    文章由NorthYou上传 文章字数:5437 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27