• [语言文学]论《皮格马利翁》中身份认同在卖花女成长蜕变中的作用_英语文学论文

    Abstract: With the play Pygmalion as the target, this paper investigates the effect of identity on Eliza Doolittles transformation from five aspects: her life goal, her understanding of the society, her self-respect and dignity, her revolt against op...

    文章由fantasyo上传 文章字数:5918 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]欧亨利短篇小说艺术结尾下的人性体现_英语文学论文

    Abstract: O. Henry, one of the three most famous short-story writers in the world, enjoys equal status with Chekhov and Maupassant. Exquisite plot, wry humor and twisted ending dominate his works. This thesis mainly analyses the artistic ending and t...

    文章由我本凡尘大白大白上传 文章字数:5289 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]小说电影化过程中的缺失—以电影《了不起的盖茨比》为例_英语文学论文

    Abstract: This dissertation introduces adaptation studies to the readers, and focuses on the language and essence difference between film and novel. Also it does specific analysis on The Great Gatsby (2013) on the base of those differences and its ow...

    文章由厕所原装进口上传 文章字数:4641 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]作为哥特小说的《简爱》与《呼啸山庄》_英语文学论文

    Abstract: This paper aims at analyzing Gothic factors in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. First of all, it introduces Bronte sisters life and their main experience as writers. Then it reviews the origin and develop...

    文章由Warm-boy上传 文章字数:5680 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]从感性到理性—论爱玛的成长_英语文学论文

    Abstract: Emma is Jane Austens masterpiece of her realistic novels, which is considered to be a fiction written in her most mature style with the best integrated structure. This paper aims to discuss the reasons for Emmas maturity from internal and e...

    文章由LarryCarroll上传 文章字数:4508 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]论《白鲸》中亚哈船长性格的双重性_英语文学论文

    Abstract: Ahab, the protagonist of Melvilles Moby Dick, is an experienced captain. After one of his legs was bitten by Moby Dick, he is determined to kill the whale. In pursuit of Moby Dick, such positive qualities as his forging ahead and taking adv...

    文章由RedReaL上传 文章字数:4035 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]试论《宠儿》中促进丹芙成长的多重原因_英语文学论文

    Abstract: By investigating the causes and process of Denvers growth in the novel Beloved, this thesis tries to discover the self-liberation and self-pursuit of the black women. The analysis starts from introducing the growing process of Denver--- fro...

    文章由七十二街上传 文章字数:5700 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]约翰斯坦贝克《鼠与人》中乡土情结解析_英语文学论文

    Abstract: Of Mice and Men is a work of the famous American writer John Steinbeck. This paper aims to analyze the land complex in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck to enhance the better understanding of this novel. In this dissertation, the author ana...

    文章由十鸦上传 文章字数:5023 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]《我的名字叫红》中的叙事技巧_英语文学论文

    Abstract: This paper aims to study the narrative techniques employed in the novel of My Name Is Red. The paper first introduces the novel My Name Is Red and its author Orhan Pamuk and then discusses the narrative techniques employed in the novel resp...

    文章由OOPSLOOK上传 文章字数:4545 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]《愤怒的葡萄》中的圣经意象研究_英语文学论文

    Abstract: John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath is largely influenced by The Bible in many aspects such as character, narrative structure and some other biblical imageries. Jim Casy is regarded as Jesus Christ in reality; Tom Joad is indeed a Christian...

    文章由HotStuff上传 文章字数:5648 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]《名利场》中蓓基双重性格分析_英语文学论文

    Abstract: The setting of Vanity Fair is in the early 19th century in Britain, when the upper-middle class was morally bankrupt and predatory. Rebecca Sharp, the heroine in Vanity Fair, who lost her parents when she was a child, succeeds in conquering...

    文章由学渣要逆袭上传 文章字数:4548 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]从《喜福会》中家庭教育看中美文化的差异_英语文学论文

    Abstract: This paper aims to explore the cultural differences between China and the United States through The Joy Luck Club in the perspective of family education. The author discusses the characteristics of the family education through mother and da...

    文章由Hawthorne上传 文章字数:3808 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]从对立统一的哲学角度来分析《达洛维夫人》中的生与死的主题_英语文学论文

    Abstract: This study analyzes the theme of death and life of Mrs. Dalloway by prominent modernist writer Virginia Woolf in light of paradoxical oneness. Literature and philosophy are always closely related, and both are concerned about the humans inn...

    文章由德莱文上传 文章字数:4257 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]解读《了不起的盖茨比》中的三重悲剧_英语文学论文

    Abstract: By means of making a sketchy exploration of Gatsbys short, yet splendid life full of twists and turns, this article aims at interpreting the triple tragedy in The Great Gatsby from three aspects: namely, the tragedy of love, the tragedy of...

    文章由Jerry痞孓上传 文章字数:6140 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [语言文学]浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比的悲剧根源_英语文学论文

    摘 要 《了不起的盖茨比》是美国著名小说家弗斯科特菲茨杰拉德的代表作。小说的男主人公盖茨比为了追求自己心目中的美国梦,采取各种非法手段,不惜一切代价。再加上当时的美国处于爵...

    文章由海于咸上传 文章字数:6213 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27