文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:舟遥客 上传时间:2017-11-27
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O. Henry is one of America’s most famous short story writers, who had been praised as the crown prose writer of Manhattan and the father of modern American short story. He is good at describing American society especially New York people’s livelihood. His works often have surprise ending, with novel conceptions and witty language; and because of describing a large number of characters, full of life interest, he is known as the “humor encyclopedia of American life”.
This thesis adopts content analysis and comparison as the research methods to elaborate O. Henry’s writing features, which are presented in “While the Auto Waits”. It first gives a brief introduction to the background of O. Henry and this short story. At that time, American Capitalism had developed to the stage of Imperialism, with more centralized capital and poorer laboring people, and money-oriented value controlled the whole society at the beginning of the twentieth century. O. Henry bases “While the Auto Waits” on the reality, and the two characters stand for different values of their different groups. The use of symbols is another feature of O. Henry’s writing. The book the girl read stands for the girl’s illusory image of upper class and the red auto represents the wealthy life. Both the surface clues and indirect clues in the structure of “While the Auto Waits” can prove that “O. Henry ending” is unexpected and reasonable, and his surprise ending has the function of enlightening his readers to think comprehensively, depicting the features of the two characters and highlighting the main idea of the short story.
The result of this thesis is a supplement to the research on O. Henry and his works, and also helps us to understand the money-oriented value of O. Henry’s time.

Key words: O. Henry, “While the Auto Waits”, writing features, symbolism, surprise ending

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