文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:Luminous 上传时间:2017-11-27
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The Catcher in the Rye is an important American post war literary work and one of the representative works of “the Beat Generation”. The novel is about expelled troubled teenager Holden Caulfield’s wanderings in New York for one day and two nights, meeting some people and incidents. He intends to flee to the west but still chooses to go home in the end. Through analyzing Holden’s psychological process of his failed escape, this thesis argues that Holden’s inner forces help him to regenerate. He transcends the society he disgusts and has different views on life. This thesis contains three parts. The first part is the literature review, from which we have a general understanding of studies on the novel’s theme and Holden’s character which respectively concentrate on different aspect of his changing. In the second part, basing on his surroundings, the author of the present paper analyzes the reasons for Holden’s deciding to escape and failing it. The last part is a conclusion to restate the thesis that Holden’s failure of escape is because of his reconsideration on this world and he gets his inner world recovered. Based on above studies, it is concluded that the process of his giving up evasion gives rise to him a gesture of maturity and transcendence. Holden’s spiritual experience is supposed to be an option for individual to alleviate the stress from the society.

Key words: the Beat Generation, escape, regeneration, transcendence

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