文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:学渣要逆袭 上传时间:2017-11-27
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Recently, the gothic culture gradually has captured the public’s attention with the newly-born mess media means such as the modern films and novels, and particularly regained its prosperity by motion pictures. Long literary history as it has, the gothic literature, emerged in the late 18th century, has always been classified as the gloomy, grotesque mysterious literature and has associated with darkness, bizarreness, and ghosts; therefore, it is usually defined as non-mainstream literature as well as a challenge to the conventional aesthetic standpoint, which gives it an alias: the Dark Literature.
The truth is, however, it is not only a special branch of Romanticism but also an extreme of aestheticism because it always demonstrates a disposition of isolation, alienation and gloom by depicting the dark, ugly and odd side of life to reflect and recall the beauty of life, to explore the thought-provoking social issues like discrimination, wars, hatred or even the negative influence science may exert on human beings. The spiritual obsession to death has driven the Gothic literature continuously to look for another perspective of life, suffering and death so that the most significant representative of gothic literature has generated, that is, vampires. Lots of gothic fictions choose vampires as the subjects as well as the motion pictures, which can be considered as the impulse of the renaissance of gothic literature. Several reputable gothic movies, especially those from Hollywood, contribute a lot to the rise of gothic such as Dracula, Interview with the Vampires, series of films from Tim Burton and Twilight series, the most popular and appealing film recently. The purpose of this essay is to explore and discuss the value of this literary branch that has been ignored and discredited for centuries.

Key words: Gothic Literature; Films; Romanticism; Aestheticism




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