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Walt Whitman was a great American poet in 19th century. Due to his family background, he took a variety of jobs at early years for making money to help family. Therefore he had so much experience with the people he saw ,the surroundings he felt and the things he did. Then literarily he broke many boundaries of poetic forms because of his "open mind", especially employing the free verse. And he also reveals sexuality which at the beginning arouse many disputes on him and his poetry but which approved his greatness. His major work Leaves of Grass was an American epic that made Whitman outstanding. He got influences from his own narratives and every corner of the world including the people, events and thoughts of that time. His greatness was gradually discovered. And he cared about common people, democracy and abolitionism. He was a humanist and optimist that many humanist and optimistic opinions show in his poems. Meanwhile he also had much influence,especially his great influence on modern poetry with a brand-new American feature. His best work has become part of the common property of Western culture. Moreover contemporary American poetry , whatever school or form, bears witness to his great influence. For his innovation in diction and versification, his frankness about sex, his inclusion of the commonplace and the ugly and his censure of the weakness of the Amercian democratic practice- all these have paved his way to a share of immortality in American literature.

Key words: Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, free verse




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