文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:KerrBabbitt 上传时间:2017-11-27
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Jack London is a famous writer of Naturalism at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century in America. He owns a unique writing style, which usually makes nature the theme of his novels. The Call of the Wild is the most successful and representative novel of his works.
 This paper tends to focus on three periods of a lifetime of Buck——the protagonist of The Call of the Wild and reanalyze the novel from ecocritical perspective. Finally, this paper will draw a conclusion based on eco-criticism: In the first period, Buck was a pet dog. He lived a peaceful but boring life. He did everything that his master asked him to do and he had no freedom. This part showed the eco-critics’ opposition to anthropocentrism; In the second period, Buck became a labour dog and was treated cruelly by men. This part showed another aspect of eco-criticism: criticism of human nature at that time; In the last period, Buck turned into the wolfhound in the forest. He got rid of human society and owned a free life in nature. This part implied the persuit of eco-criticism: pursuit of harmonious coexistence of human and nature.

Key words: Jack London; The Call of the Wild; ecocriticism



关键词:杰克•伦敦; 《野性的呼唤》; 生态批评

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