文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:饮马桃花时 上传时间:2017-11-27
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Fitzgerald is one of representative writers of the "jazz age" in the history of American Literature in the 20th century. The Great Gatsby and Tender Is The Night are his two great representative novels about American dream. This paper mainly compares the two works in term of American Dream. Firstly, the paper analyzes the similarities of the two works and the causes of the similarities. Secondly, the paper analyzes the differences of two works and the causes of the differences. The paper concludes that the author’s different  life experiences while creating the two works lead to the different endings of the two heroes.

Key words: Fitzgerald;  The Great Gatsby;  Tender Is The Night;  American dream




1.1  Introduction to F•Scott Fitzgerald
F• Scott Fitzgerald , born in 1896 in St Paul of Minnesota, is a great American novelist and also a legend in the 1920’s. He is generally recognized as the spokesman of the “Jazz Age”. In his whole life, he published four novels, several short stories,prose,poetries and scripts. The characters he created in works are mostly a group of young men and women who pursue dream.
When Fitzgerald was twelve years old, his father’s business went bankrupt. He was  supported by his relatives. When he was in the army, he fell in love with a girl from a rich family. Though he managed to marry her, they were still unhappy. His life was becoming more and more gloomy and finally he died of a heart attack at the age of forty-four. His life experience had a great impact on his works. Because of the inner link between his life experiences and his works, the disillusion of American dream in his works is a good illustration of his life. He was involved in this age and expressed his pain for disillusion through his works. 

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