文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:清风入怀袖 上传时间:2017-11-27
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The article uses Oliver’s experience as links to explore the embodiment of Dickens’ kindheartedness in his sympathy for the weakness, his promotion of kind, and his tolerance of evil, and to analyze the origination of Dickens’ kindheartedness from the perspective of rough living experience, society background and the Christian spirit. It also reveals that Dickens wants to use his literary works to promote kindheartedness to ease social conflicts and promote social harmony. But the thought of Dickens which uses kindheartedness to make salvation is too idealistic and unrealistic. It has significant limitations.

Key words: Oliver Twist; Dickens; kindheartedness; good and evil



关键词:《雾都孤儿》; 狄根思; 仁爱思想;善与恶

1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Dickens
Charles Dickens, born in 1812, was the son of a clerk in a government office. His father spent more money than he earned, and Charles Dickens was still a boy when his father was sent to prison for debt. In those days, men who owed quite small mounts had to stay in prison until the debt was paid.
One result was that Charles’ education was interrupted. Another result was that he had experience of the unhappy life of many poor people, including children. In years of hard work in various unpleasant jobs, he met large numbers of people, young and old, rich and poor, happy and miserable. He had unusual energy and unusual powers of observation. He worked hard to improve his knowledge and at the same time he stored away memories of all the people he met—the men he worked for, the boys he worked with, the London scenes and London characters. Dickens’ characters were much better or much worse than they would be in real life. They were exaggerated in rather the same way as artists exaggerate in their drawings of political and other leaders in newspaper cartoons today. The novels of Dickens are full of life, observation and energy, and his own energy seemed endless. Dickens’ kindheartedness runs through his works.

相关文章推荐: TAG: 雾都孤儿 仁爱思想 狄根思