文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:ek20ms 上传时间:2017-11-27
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摘 要


Nobel Prize winner William Faulkner is acclaimed as one of the most influential literary giants in American literature and the American representative of stream-of-consciousness works. In his masterpiece The Sound and the Fury (1929), William Faulkner cleverly employs the stream-of-consciousness to depict the tragedy of the Compsons, a declining Southern aristocratic family in Jefferson Town in the early 20th century American South: Mr. Compson—an unaccomplished drunkard; Mrs. Compson—a selfish and irresponsible housewife; Quentin—conservative and stubborn; Caddy—caring but rebellious; Jason—callous and greed and the retarded Benjy. Revolving around the tragedy of the two typical characters—Quentin and Caddy in The Sound and the Fury, this paper holds that Caddy and Quentin are respectively the representatives of the “sound” and the “fury” in the title. Then this paper, with an attempt to analyze social reasons for the tragedy of the two characters, reaches the conclusion that the decline of the Compsons in The Sound and the Fury virtually reflects the great revolution in the American South after the Civil War—the gradual collapse of the Southern plantation economy system and the decay of long-established Southern social values.

Key words: The Sound and the Fury; Caddy; Quentin; tragedy

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