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The famous novel Animal Farm is a political allegorical novel written by George Orwell. This novel is his masterpiece and published in England in 1945. TIME regards the book as one of the 100 best English-language novels. The various use of symbolism in Animal Farm makes the novel famous all over the world. This paper intends to analyze the symbolism in this novel. It is mainly divided into four parts. The first part is a brief introduction to the writer George Orwell and the background of Animal Farm. The second part is a summary of Animal Farm. The third part elaborates the meaning of symbolism and discusses the employment of symbolism in different characters and their symbolic significance. The fourth part is conclusion. Animal Farm still has its important meanings nowadays.
Keywords: Symbolism; Animal Farm; George Orwell; characters
1 Introduction
George Orwell is a well-known novelist and journalist in the 20th century. He is known as a political writer too. Animal Farm is one of his famous novels and it is a satire of the Russian Revolution. Orwell, by his unique literally skills, fully enfolds to us a society clouded by lies. It is also the sarcasm to the selfishness, greed, and corruption of human nature. No matter whether you have read it or not, after you read this thesis, you will have an overall comprehension about this novel and a new understanding about the society in the 20th century.