文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:饮马桃花时 上传时间:2017-11-27
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Growing concerns have been shown on “Chinese” with the boost of China’s national strength in recent years. The study of Chinese characteristics, however, can be traced back to the beginning of the last century. Writers, historians, missionaries, among others, started from respective fields and tried to define the national characters of Chinese. But few of them introspected their own positions and value orientation, and bias existed in most of their conclusions.
Ethnocentric individuals believe that the in-group’s culture precedes the out-group’s. Cultural mentality is the mentation in cultural meaning, which plays an important role in analyzing and dealing with the relationship between the national culture and alien culture. Chinese Characteristics and The Spirit of the Chinese People describe the “Chinese” from different perspectives. Though the authors hold the attitude of equal communication and mutual respect, ethnocentrism still exists in their works, which deserves our study. Part one in this paper elaborates the definition of ethnocentrism and cultural mentality. Part two expounds the ethnocentrism in Chinese Characteristics and The Spirit of the Chinese People, such as deifying the role of Christianity, exaggerating the role of morality, and so on. Part three comparatively analyzes Arthur Henderson Smith’s negative cultural mentality and Ku Hungming’s positive but radical cultural mentality, and causes of their limitations are discussed.

Key words: ethnocentrism; cultural mentality; Chinese character

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