文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:朝花夕拾 上传时间:2017-11-27
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Peer Gynt is a five-act play in verse written by the famous Norwegian dramatist Henrik Ibsen. It is one of the most important dramas of Ibsen, which tells an exciting story about the colorful and adventurous life of Peer Gynt, a roving and rough country lumpen man. The previous researches on this play mainly focus on the theme of ethic, individualism and ecology. In this paper, the protagonist will be analyzed from the aspect of religious redemption, together with the method of psychoanalysis. Therefore, the theme that good will eventually overcome the evil is revealed and some philosophy propositions about life, for instance, why to live and how to live, are better understood.
This paper consists of introduction, the body part and conclusion. It firstly deals with a literary review of this play and the structure of this research is mentioned. Secondly, the body part is divided into three chapters. Chapter one works on Peer in his youth with the analysis of psychoanalysis and the impact of the author’s own life followed; chapter two introduces Peer in his middle age through the aspect of religious redemption aspect; chapter three depicts how old-aged Peer eventually gets religious redemption. Finally, based on the previous analyses, the thesis is summarized and conclusion is drawn.

Key words: Peer Gynt; religious redemption; psychoanalysis

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