文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:ー季樱花 上传时间:2017-11-27
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The Great Gatsby is written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, who is considered to be the symbol of American literature in the “Jazz Age”. Published in 1925, the novel took New York and Changdao Island of the 1920s as the background, which described a love story with a bad ending between young Gatsby and Daisy.
In the paper, readers will get a clue for the reasons that lead to the disillusionment with Gatsby’s wealth and love under the historical background and class differences in the twentieth century in the United States. This paper consists of five parts. Firstly it makes a brief introduction to the Great Gatsby and then discusses the life experience of the author F. Scott. Fitzgerald, and then studies the influence of her life experience in the novel . Then, it analyzes the panorama of wealth under the background at that time in the America society as well as reveals the emptiness of wealth and its influence on the ending of the story. Thirdly, it talks about the evaporation of love through the emotional entanglement among the main characters and deliberates its consequence that the author aims to show us. In the fourth part, it analyzes the reasons that lead to the abortion of wealth and love. Finally, the paper concludes that the wealth in the capitalist society is essentially decadent and corrupt, and the across-class love is bound to be a tragedy.

Key words: wealth; love; evaporation

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关键词:财富; 爱情; 破灭

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