文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:AugusBird 上传时间:2017-11-27
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As one of the highly recommended youth development books in American high schools, To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee in 1960, became the best-seller upon its publish.
In America, there is an old saying that “Killing a mockingbird is a sin” because they do nothing hurt but to sing to make us happy. The two characters Tom and Boo were likened to mockingbird. Scout and her brother Jem witnessed their father Atticus defended for the negro Tom for his “raping” a white woman, which was untrue and Tom died innocently; also, they experienced escaping from the evil Mr. Ewell’s murder with the help of “devil” Boo, who was actually kind to others. Scout had learned the profound meaning of “Killing a mockingbird is a sin” from these events.
In the story, Atticus, the school and the whole society revealed seven rules of Western education concepts, especially American education concepts, namely, rule of sense of belonging, rule of hope, rule of supervision, rule of listening, rule of model, rule of equality, and rule of individualism. From the analysis, we could clearly see the influence of family and society on children, like how the light of hope appears in the dark. The novel inspired us to give educational suggestions about educational purpose, educational methods and educational relations. From what has been discussed above, conclusions about a reasonable education concept are drawn, indicating the inspirations gained from the novel.

Key words: education concept, youth development, seven rules, educational suggestions, equality

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