文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:Awesome 上传时间:2017-11-27
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The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini’s first novel, has received a lot of praise after the publication. Using the kite as a link, it tells a story of an Afghanistan boy who immigrated to America with his father for escaping from war. He atoned for his crime which is committed in his childhood after decades. With kite, pomegranate tree, slingshot and other images, the novel epitomized symbolism thoroughly. As one of the foremost images in the novel, kite runs through the story. In the process of the plot of the novel, the kite image, corresponding to the fates of characters and the nation, is a reflex of the beauty, ugliness, goodness and evilness of humanity.
Firstly, this paper makes an introduction about the novel, the author and the background and purpose of research. Secondly, it explains the origin of symbolism and embodiments in the paper. Thirdly, from the perspective of symbolism, it analyzes the kite image from two aspects: The first part, from longitudinal direction, consists of three different stages of the plot and analyzes the deep meaning of kite; the second part, from horizontal orientation, makes a concrete analysis of the kite from spiritual level of individual, nation, all mankind.

Keywords:  The Kite Runner  kite  image  symbolism  Hosseini


关键词: 《追风筝的人》;风筝;意象;象征;胡塞尼

Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Khaled Hosseini
Khaled Hosseini, an Afghan-born American, is a writer as well as a doctor who lives in California, US now. In 1965, he was born in an Intellectual family with his father a diplomatist and his mother a teacher. Before the year of 1973, Hosseini’s childhood was happy and joyful. However, after then, lots of invasions broke the peace of Afghanistan, which directly led to the end of Hosseini’s happy childhood. In 1976, his father found a job in Paris and moved there together with his family. Then in 1980, because of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, they immigrated to the United States. In another word, he has lived in America since he was fifteen-year old. As people can see from his work—The Kite Runner, there is much reflection of his racial background and life experience in Afghanistan.

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