文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:Spexial丶发飙 上传时间:2017-11-25
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Abstract: Euphemism is an important means of the use of languages in coordinating interpersonal relationships. As a cultural phenomenon as well as a special linguistic form, it is often said to be a sort of “lubricating oil” in language communication and the bridge to establish harmonious social relationships. It is now widely and vividly used in our daily life and has already become an indispensable part of English and has been aroused wide interest. From the moment of its emergence, euphemism functions to avoid taboos, to show politeness and to conceal feelings. With its special functions, euphemism has aroused great attention of linguists, many linguists and scholars have studied euphemisms from different angles. In addition, how to use English euphemisms effectively is also of great importance for English learners. Based on former achievements, the study will have an exploration of the pragmatic functions of English euphemisms from a pragmatic perspective. Thus, in this way, it will help English learners use English euphemisms according to social context, and get acquainted with English culture and raising awareness of cultural differences.
Key Words: English Euphemisms; Pragmatics; Pragmatic Functions; Communication


Euphemism is a common linguistic phenomenon in different cultures. It is deeply rooted in social life and it strongly reflects social values and cultural values. We have heard euphemism in the movies and television programs. We have read it in magazines and newspapers. We have relished it in works of superb writers. We have overheard it on street comers and park benches all over the world. As a very part of language and a common linguistic phenomenon, euphemism is also a common language strategy in communication. Almost everyone makes use of euphemisms consciously in some situations where they feel difficult, or embarrassed, or unsuitable to talk about something directly. People use them with various intensions as well as for various purposes. Actually, euphemisms have been playing a role as a kind of “lubricants” in daily communication and the exchange of information.

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