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托尼·莫里森(1931- )是美国著名黑人女作家,并荣获1993年诺贝尔文学奖。她的第一部小说《最蓝的眼睛》讲述了一个孤独的年轻黑人女孩,佩科拉·布里德洛夫的悲惨故事。作为莫里森的代表作品,《最蓝的眼睛》为读者展示了一幅白人统治下黑人经受的各种磨难的生活画卷。本文从性别、种族和文化三个方面着笔,对《最蓝的眼睛》进行主题探析。文章主体部分包括渺小的黑人女性所忍受的来自性别上的歧视,懦弱的黑人在奴隶制废除后仍遭遇的种族歧视,以及因白人文化侵袭而迷失的黑人本我。本文通过对主题的分析,揭示了莫里森对带有性别歧视和种族歧视的白人审美标准的强烈谴责。此外,黑人女性不能一味屈服,要懂得反抗才能获得自由;黑人要尊重和保护自己民族的文化价值观,才能在白人主导的社会下立足。

关键词  主题,性别,种族,文化


Toni Morrison (1931- ) is a delegate female writer in America. She won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993. The Bluest Eye was Toni Morrison’s first novel which focuses on a lonely, young black girl, Pecola Breedlove. This poor girl’s tragedy makes people cry and think deeply about the conflicts between humanity. As a representative novel, The Bluest Eye shows readers a picture of the hardships that black people had suffered under the control of white people. This paper analyzes the theme of this novel from the aspects of sex, race and culture. There are three parts covered in this paper: first is the sexual discrimination, black women had to stand much more stress from both home and society pitifully; second is the racial discrimination, black people still suffered a lot even after the abolition of slavery; and third is the loss of black culture for the white culture hegemony. Through the analysis of the theme, this paper reveals Morrison’s strong criticisms on the white aesthetic standards which have the sexual discrimination and racial discrimination. More than that, Morrison believes that black women cannot yield to the unfairness easily. They should fight for their freedom. And for black people, only by respecting and protecting their own national culture and value, can they find their own status in the society leading by white people.

Keywords  theme, sex, race, culture

1  Introduction
Toni Morrison is an Afro-American woman writer. In 1993, she won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Through her works, Morrison has achieved and contributed a lot to the development of the black people. Her achievements and contributions in protecting black people establish her distinguished status in the American literature. At the same time, as an African-American female writer, she points out the black women’s inner suffering and struggle under the sexual and racial discrimination. The Bluest Eye is a typical work that shows the theme from the aspects of sex, race and culture vividly.

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