文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:Isidore 上传时间:2017-11-27
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British contemporary writer Anthony Burgess’s experimental novel A Clockwork Orange described naked, bloody violent scenes and insinuated boldly totalitarian politics. Its strange surrealistic style is popular among a large number of readers. This work shows the UK in the future of such a highly totalitarian society, with 15-year-old narrator Alex leading a gang of youths. They raped and looted. They even murdered other people and were pleased about what they did. Alex had been jailed as a result of being betrayed by his companions. In the prison, he was treated by special punishment. After this treatment he can’t do any bad things. In A Clockwork Orange, the structure of the novel and the plot are mostly arranged by the writer deliberately. The writer has given priority to its outline description, and the work is full of symbols. It is a typical symbolic work. Smart structure was hidden with mystery. The author expressed his calm thinking of philosophical problems about moral choice and free will. Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange is an innovational novel. The author uses much dialect or slang based on Russian to describe the plot, and he also creates different kinds of symbolic images to insinuate totalitarian politics. This paper attempts to discuss and analyze this work mainly from the linguistic perspective so as to have a deeper understanding of this novel by Burgess.

Keywords: symbol; free will; repetition

摘  要:

英国当代作家安东尼·伯吉斯的实验小说《发条橙》以对暴力血腥的赤裸描写,对极权政治的大胆影射,以及那诡异另类的超现实主义风格赢得了大批读者的青睐。作品展示了在未来英国这样一个高度社会化的极权社会里, 以15 岁的故事叙述者亚历克斯为首的一群青少年流氓团伙奸淫掳掠、杀人抢劫无所不为, 并以此为乐, 后来, 亚历克斯因被哥们出卖锒铛入狱, 在狱中被施以特殊的刑罚, 强迫其改恶从善的故事。《发条橙》在情节结构上, 人为安排的因素较多, 写作以轮廓勾勒为主, 富有象征性, 是一部典型的象征作品。伯吉斯正是在《发条橙》中巧妙地通过象征意象的精心营造、谋篇布局的巧妙安排及象征寓意的有效引导等手段成功地完成了对其深刻哲理的释意。安东尼·伯吉斯的《发条橙》是一部试验创新的小说。作者在书中基于俄文自造了方言俚语,营造出各类象征意象对极权政治进行了大胆影射,巧妙地谋篇布局都暗藏玄机,极具音乐感。作者借作品表达了自己对道德选择和自由意志这一哲学问题的冷静思考。本文主要通过语言方面的角度等,对该部作品进行一些分析探讨,以期对该作家的这部作品有更深的理解。


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