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Little Women is a well-known novel by Louisa May Alcott, an American author in the 19th century and the representative writer of a group of female authors during the Gilded Age. It is a novel about the Alcott family set in the American Civil War. Drawing from her own childhood experiences, the author tells about four sisters’ life in New England of the USA. In this paper, the four sisters’ different characters and their view of life, value and love will be analyzed. The main line is girls’ love and dedication for the family. The four sisters will be introduced in the order of their age: Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. In Meg’s part, her character of sweetness and well-behaving will be involved, as well as her little weakness of vanity. Jo’s character was more outstanding than other sisters; the focus will be on yearning for freedom and desiring to be a writer. About Beth, I will pay much attention on how she confronted death bravely. Finally as for the youngest girl, Amy, I will center on her love for painting and pursuing the high society life. In Little Women, the description of the four sisters’ appearance and personality was very vivid. Based on the above analysis, this paper concludes that the four sisters not only have their own pursuits and dreams, but also the courage to break through themselves; and in their pursuits, they struggled with issues like selfishness and generosity, the nature of individual integrity.

Keywords: Family love; Responsibility; Dedication; True love

摘  要:


1  Introduction
Louisa May Alcott was an American author who was born on November 29, 1832 in Germantown in Pennsylvania. She stood as one of the great American practitioners of the girls’ novel and the family story. Being a teacher, nurse and hired labor provided real writing material for her writing Little Women. She was very aggressive and started writing at fifteen years old. She was best known as the author of the novel Little Women which was published in 1868. The book was set in the American civil war in the middle of the 19th century and told the story about how the four sisters eventually grew into the little women. The three major themes of the novel are domesticity, work and true love. Although there were many difficulties in their life, they managed to live meaningfully and beautifully. The novel was for the large part based on the author’s own experience and was influenced by the thinker Emerson at that time. The story also expressed the theme of family love, taking responsibility and dedication and they would be the impetus for people to make success.  

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