文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:四季歌 上传时间:2017-11-27
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Black humor describes character features and social phenomena vividly by humorous language. This article makes a deep study on black humor and selects different angles to compare the differences and similarities between Chinese and Western black humor. The comparative analysis of Kong Yiji and The End of the Road is to have a better understanding of black humor and comprehend the cultural differences and similarities between Chinese and Western black humor. Meanwhile, this article also deals with the technique of expression, language features, the value of writing and the functions of black humor, so as to reflect social absurdity and crucial social problems. Through this research, it contributes to the subsequent writing and understanding both the Chinese culture and Western culture.

Key words: black humor; function; difference; similarity



Black humor describes character features and social phenomena vividly by humorous language, which attacks on social moral ideas through shocking language and offensive imagery. It often describes gruesome events and stupid people, which are normally associated with pleasant occasions, thus producing the congruous effect for humor. In this meaningless world, man’s fate is decided by incomprehensive powers, such as the characters in Kong Yiji and The End of the Road. The study on black humor helps people to apply this culture means to writing and expressing certain emotions in various ways. Black humor can strengthen the irony and improve the efficiency of expression.
Kong Yiji and The End of the Road, the two Chinese and Western novels, are the representative works of Chinese and Western black humor. Authors pay more attention to describing character features and revealing social moral ideas by shocking language, which has had a strong effect on society and people’s mind. On the other hand, these novels remind people to think more about the social reality and the true meaning of life.

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