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Flappers have been a popular image in the 1920s when conspicuous consumption and the fetishzation of youth and glamour were highly boasted. In the Fitzgerald’s fiction he has depicted numerous characters that share the personality and traits of flappers, and unveils a spectacular scene of the Jazz Age. His short stories vary greatly in the plot and contain a sense of burlesque and tease while his novels take on a much more serious form – burlesque and tease are replaced with carefully planned destructions and breakdown of the characters.
However, despite the differences in the undertone, the flappers in both Fitzgerald’s short stories and novels share great similarity in their appearances, conducts, and mentality, three important elements without any one of which wouldn’t have made Fitzgerald’s flappers. Beauty is what they capitalize on, the source of their fortune, conspicuous purchases, and snobbishness, the ultimate getaway whenever they encounter troubles in life.
 The formation of the mentality of flappers is inseparable from the cultural and historical background of the era. National Prohibition has suppressed the needs and desires of individuals, so as a result, the flappers have to vent their aspirations and desires in other aspects of life as supplements. This in return causes their flamboyant and wanton behaviors.
Chapter One analyzes the appearance and lifestyle of the flappers whereas Chapter Two focuses on their conducts and behaviors influenced by individualism. The last chapter would further analyze the principles and motivations of these flappers’ behaviors.

Key words: Francis Scott Fitzgerald; flappers; The Great Gatsby; Tender is the Night; Flappers and Philosophers


飞女郎形象诞生于二十世纪二十年代的美国,成为当时最为流行的人物形象。20世纪20年代也被称为“喧嚣的二十年代”或“爵士乐年代”, 当时人们过分强调年轻和美貌,倡导炫耀型消费和纸醉金迷的生活方式。菲茨杰拉德作为爵士时代最有名的作家之一,在其小说中花费大量篇幅,为读者描绘了数个极具时代特色的飞女郎形象,呈现了蔚为壮观的爵士时代场面。菲茨杰拉德的短篇小说结构迥异,字里行间带着一丝戏谑和讽喻,不乏喜剧结尾;相比之下,其长篇小说则更为严肃,取而代之的是对人物的层层剖析,直至最后以人物的崩溃告终。
飞女郎的心智形成与当时的文化和历史背景密不可分。禁酒令法案的颁布在一定程度上抑制了个人的欲望和需求,人们需要一个新的突破口来发泄这些情绪; “爵士时代”追捧的个人主义和炫耀性消费便成为了一个突破口。

关键词:弗朗西斯·司各特·菲茨杰拉德;《了不起的盖茨比》 ;《夜色温柔》 ;《飞女郎与哲学家》

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