文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:朝如青丝暮成雪 上传时间:2017-11-27
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关键词: J.K.罗琳;哈利波特;人物性格


This thesis deeply analyses the characteristics of the main roles of this series according to the happening of the story, through these analyses, people can better understand this series of books. This thesis represents the character, personality and their lifetime of the main roles like Harry Potter, Potter’s two best friends, his enemy, and his lifetime teacher Dumbledore. Firstly the thesis represents the study background, the goal, the meaning, and current researches, the thesis points out the content of the research. Then from the story of Harry Potter, a poor boy who lost his parents soon after his born, kept living with courage to analyze the main role’s character; then Ron, Harry’s best friend that who never give up, and Hermione, a brilliant girl who is very intelligent and kindhearted, then Lord Voldemort, Harry’s enemy who is very evil; and lastly analyses Potter’s life teacher Dumbledore, a very wise man, who help and teach Harry a lot, lastly, the thesis concludes that the character mentioned in this series books like brave, intelligent, kindhearted and wise lead the novels to succeed.

Key words: J.K.Rowling; Harry Potter; personal character

1. Introduction
On July 31st, 1965, J. K. Rowling was born at Courtney’s Hospital, which is located in Yetta Station No. 240 Avenue, Gwent County, UK. In September 1970, Rowling was enrolled in St. Michael’s Cathedral English School, Highland Avenue, Winterburn and started her primary school education. Fond of writing and telling stories, she wrote a story about a rabbit at the age of six. In September 1974, Rowling went to Towerhill Cathedral for her primary school. In the autumn of 1976, Rowling started to go to Wedien Middle School. In 1982, she became the student representative of her school. In the summer of 1983, Rowling graduated from Wedien High School and took part in the entrance examination to Oxford University. In the autumn of the same year, she entered the University of Exeter, major in French and classical literature.

相关文章推荐: TAG: 哈利波特 人物性格