文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:月色随风 上传时间:2017-11-27
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Doris Lessing is the greatest female writer after Virginia Woolf in England. The Memoirs of A Survivor is her later representative. It’s a fantasy fiction written in a realistic way. This paper is combined with Cheng Mingdao’s theory of human nature and social development to unscramble the work, trying to search the human nature, society and their relationships in The Memoirs of A Survivor. So far for no one has studied The Memoirs of A Survivor from the human nature and society perspectives, the thesis opens a new world for the research of the novel. Furthermore, people can be inspired by the thesis that the goodness of human nature promotes social development while evil human nature hinders social development. Meanwhile, it also warns people who exist in the era with fast development should ponder their characters.

Key words: The Memoirs of A Survivor; Doris Lessing; human nature; society         




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