文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:剑断青丝i 上传时间:2017-11-27
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The Color Purple, written by Alice walker, is a novel about black women’s self-consciousness, revealing the unfair treatment like racial discrimination and gender discrimination the black women encounter in their life. It describes the black women’s political and living conditions under both racial and sexual oppression, their fighting against the double oppression and searching for the integrity of themselves and their lives. Out of sympathy, understanding and support for her fellow sisters’ situation and their fates, Alice walker successfully created several typical womanist images in the novel, like Shug, Sofia and Celie, and described the growth of them from being traditional to being independent. Through analyzing the womanist images of Shug, Celie and Sofia, this thesis intends to discover Walker’s womanism which is against sexual discrimination and advocates black women’s pursuing freedom and independence.

Key words: Alice walker; black woman; womanism

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